24/7 Granular Renewable Energy certificates

Check out Energy tag’s Granular Scheme Standard and Use Cases put together in a really ambitious short space of time with many contributions. This standard may just change real-time matching of renewable energy generation with consumption and has the potential to do even more. Climate Matters was delighted to contribute in a small way.

GHG Emissions and Climate reporting have really grown in the past 12 months and we have experience supporting clients, from large corporates to SMEs, in their reporting requirements and their ambition to decarbonise. Scope 1 and 2, being those emissions which the client has direct control over, are firstly being reduced through process efficiency and energy efficiency measures. Next, the loads are being electrified with the view that the grid will become clean over time and that the grid electricity will be most efficient. We are now expecting that time-of-day use of energy will become a decision useful metric against which the company can maximise their green procurement.

Beyond GHG reporting, we at Climate Matters see so many other potential benefits that this enhanced visibility at sub-hourly level could bring :

# Portfolio level optimisation of operational assets and loads within a node

# Design of clean energy projects, portfolios, charging infrastructure, storage options, behind the meter assets to be sized not just for maximum MWhrs output BUT also located in the most valuable operational node for carbon reduction

# This could also drive policy for localised responses such as residential energy efficiency measures or localised renewable generation to get maximum impact in terms of carbon for the investment.

If you share these views or would like to know more, book a free 15 minutes consultation