About us

The first time I thought about carbon was when I managing a carbon position in the new EU Emissions Trading Scheme in 2005. Then in 2008, with a thirst for adventure, I took off with a charity for 2 years to Uganda. My briefing was to improve the water system at a hospital but I got some fantastic advice before I left, “listen, listen, listen”. So I spent a few months listening to people, if they didn’t run away from the female mzungu, who wore trousers, rode a bicycle and climbed ladders. A recurring theme was the rains don’t come when they used to and the volume of water could be torrential when they did come. This was good enough evidence for me as an engineer to work on the solution of large underground rainwater tanks. It piqued my interest around what could be causing these changes and I’m still learning. On return to Europe I’ve worked in developing commercial solutions to climate change.

– Dr Cera Slevin – CEO and Founder

Get in touch

Better together

Climate Matters Ltd was founded in 2019 on the back of witnessing the transition in the energy sector over the previous decade. Climate Matters Ltd brings years of experience in the energy and water utility sectors and brings a wealth of understanding from how energy is generated, traded and consumed.

We work with asset owners, investors and businesses of all size, who want to keep ahead of climate risks and bring transparency to investor reporting. We’ve worked with clients translating the requirements of CSRD, TCFD, SFDR and the associated Technical Screening Criteria for their businesses or investments.

For our clients

Years of experience has given us a unique set of skills to help our clients prepare for the necessary transition from a high carbon emission economy to an efficient low carbon operation. No matter where you are in your sustainability journey, get in touch today if you wish to be ready and lead the way to a secure future for your business and our planet.

Spirit of collaboration

We are delighted to have partnered with a number of specialist engineering companies to deliver Climate Risk Assessments and develop Climate Adaptation plans for clients. Climate Matters Ltd works with Associate Companies to deliver a full range of expert risk assessment services; if your company are experts in weather forecasting, trading carbon and weather-related commodities, bespoke engineering assessments for localised flooding, wind loading, drought conditions, please contact us

Want to tell investors too?

We can use your data to report using the Recommendations of the Task Force on Climate Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and translate into Annual Report verifiable format.

Sustainability, CSRD, SFDR, TCFD, EU Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance, Transition Risk, Physical Risk