TCFD Working Group Ireland

TCFD, Sustainability, CSRD, SFDR, EU Taxonomy on Sustainable Finance, Transition Risk, Physical Risk

Climate Matters has long been a supporter of TCFD, why? Because it makes business sense to understand the risks and opportunities that climate change brings. The energy sector is pretty rocky currently but it got a sharp knock in 2013 as The Economist reported at the time. Would this risk have been more obvious to investors if transparent climate risk reporting was a legal requirement, carried out to comparable standards like annual accounts? I think so. The TCFD reporting framework allows the scale of the potential risk to be quantified and the CSRD builds on this and the SFDR allows investors to view climate risk and make comparisons.   

Big thanks to Sustainable Finance Ireland , Skillnet Ireland, and particularly to Colette Coogan and David Carlin of UNEP FI for delivering an excellent training programme of over 25 training hours, with bespoke content created for the Irish market. For anyone who missed the sessions, the material is freely available and will support any company on improving Risk Assessment, Allocating Capital, Strategic Planning and good governance.

If you would like to know more, book a free 15 minutes consultation